There are few fruits as exquisite as Norwegian plums. They taste far better than any imported plums, yet the season in Norway is super short with availability during the month of August and September only. Norway has planted plums since the 18th century (possibly...
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10 Things You May Not Know About Norwegian Waffles
If you are a fan of Norwegian waffles, you know that they are heart shaped, thinner and softer than the American version. We also don't eat waffles for breakfast, rather we enjoy them with a strong cup of black coffee in the afternoon or evening, preferably in the...
Råkostsalat; a true Norwegian vegan dish
Having just returned from a week in London, I definitely feel a tad heavier after too much restaurant food and wine. The Brits sure like their share of booze and heavy food... I do try to eat as healthy as possible while I am on vacation, but I also subscribe to the...
Forget about the prom; here’s how Norwegians celebrate the end of high school
Today's blog post was inspired by my niece Synne, who is graduating high school this month and is pictured in the feature image (she is the lovely young woman on the very left). Seeing her photos made me reminisce back to when I was celebrating finishing school in...
Norway’s obsession with licorice
If you've ever been, or go to Norway - you are bound to see an unusually wide variety of salty licorice candy in stores across the country. Norwegians' love for this not so sweet candy is very strong, and other Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Finland (the...
Chocolate in Norway; now and then
Chocolate cake, or "sjokoladekake", is the cake is the most popular cake in Norway today and what inspired today's recipe and blog post. Norwegians simply can't seem to get enough chocolate, in fact Norwegians eat more chocolate than their Scandinavian neighbors in...
Reviving the busserull; an old Norwegian work shirt, plus an apron that inspired me to bake
Every so often life throws you those serendipitous moments, when a reader of your blog connects with a Norwegian across the United States, mentions you and suggests reaching out. That woman does, and you end up getting to know a wonderful, budding entrepreneur and...
Mandelstenger; simple Norwegian almond cookies that will impress
I remember a little over three years ago when I decided to go vegan for the animals, and I thought to myself "Christmas will never be the same", because I thought that when I made the conscious choice to give up meat, fish, dairy and eggs, there would be nothing left...
Kanelkake; a simple, everyday Norwegian cinnamon cake
It's no secret that Scandinavians have a special love for cinnamon and Norwegians are no different. Cinnamon has been documented to be used in cooking since the 17th century in Norway, but started to be imported already in the 13th century to convent gardens and to...
A silly, yet popular Norwegian tale about a pancake that got away
Ok, so this is a blog post I'm not sure will really translate very well into English, but I happened to come across it earlier and it brought back so many wonderful childhood memories I just had to at least give this a try! This might be a funny story for the...

The magic of Norwegian plums + a cake you will want to make!
There are few fruits as exquisite as Norwegian plums. They taste far better than any imported plums, yet the season in Norway is super short with availability during the month of August and September only. Norway has planted plums since the 18th century (possibly...

10 Things You May Not Know About Norwegian Waffles
If you are a fan of Norwegian waffles, you know that they are heart shaped, thinner and softer than the American version. We also don't eat waffles for breakfast, rather we enjoy them with a strong cup of black coffee in the afternoon or evening, preferably in the...

Råkostsalat; a true Norwegian vegan dish
Having just returned from a week in London, I definitely feel a tad heavier after too much restaurant food and wine. The Brits sure like their share of booze and heavy food... I do try to eat as healthy as possible while I am on vacation, but I also subscribe to the...

Forget about the prom; here’s how Norwegians celebrate the end of high school
Today's blog post was inspired by my niece Synne, who is graduating high school this month and is pictured in the feature image (she is the lovely young woman on the very left). Seeing her photos made me reminisce back to when I was celebrating finishing school in...

Norway’s obsession with licorice
If you've ever been, or go to Norway - you are bound to see an unusually wide variety of salty licorice candy in stores across the country. Norwegians' love for this not so sweet candy is very strong, and other Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Finland (the...

Chocolate in Norway; now and then
Chocolate cake, or "sjokoladekake", is the cake is the most popular cake in Norway today and what inspired today's recipe and blog post. Norwegians simply can't seem to get enough chocolate, in fact Norwegians eat more chocolate than their Scandinavian neighbors in...

Reviving the busserull; an old Norwegian work shirt, plus an apron that inspired me to bake
Every so often life throws you those serendipitous moments, when a reader of your blog connects with a Norwegian across the United States, mentions you and suggests reaching out. That woman does, and you end up getting to know a wonderful, budding entrepreneur and...

Mandelstenger; simple Norwegian almond cookies that will impress
I remember a little over three years ago when I decided to go vegan for the animals, and I thought to myself "Christmas will never be the same", because I thought that when I made the conscious choice to give up meat, fish, dairy and eggs, there would be nothing left...

Kanelkake; a simple, everyday Norwegian cinnamon cake
It's no secret that Scandinavians have a special love for cinnamon and Norwegians are no different. Cinnamon has been documented to be used in cooking since the 17th century in Norway, but started to be imported already in the 13th century to convent gardens and to...

A silly, yet popular Norwegian tale about a pancake that got away
Ok, so this is a blog post I'm not sure will really translate very well into English, but I happened to come across it earlier and it brought back so many wonderful childhood memories I just had to at least give this a try! This might be a funny story for the...